Archive of Forums > Sub Specialty Contractor Forum > Financial Dashboard Excel Template

Wed, 02/29/2012 - 11:13am  
Julie Daxon

Does anyone have an excel template they are willing to share?  I'm looking for a Financial Dashboard of the highlights of the financial position, ie; Net Cash position, Backlog, Net Under/Over Billing, Net Income/Loss, etc. 

Thank you.

Wed, 04/04/2012 - 7:29am #1
Paul Krieger Julie,

I just noticed your note; extracting data is very easy and can be done with tools you already own.  You may have to download an ODBC driver (free) and have a combination of MS Excel and/or Access.  How well this works can depend on the host database you are attempting to extract from.  Either way if you would like to have a quick conversation on this you are welcome to reply back and we can point you in the right direction.  No need to ever rekey data into a spreadsheet!

Tue, 04/03/2012 - 5:39pm #2
Tamara Potter


 Did you receive a copy of the Financial Survey?  It has a program that you can plug your information in and compare to best in class.  It also includes benchmarking

Thu, 03/01/2012 - 6:46pm #3
Julie Daxon

I'm looking for the most efficient way of extracting data, however, keying in the data would be okay for now. 

Thank you,


Thu, 03/01/2012 - 1:10pm #4
Tom Cobb


What is your data source for the dashboard?  In other words, are you going to key the data into Excel, or create a data extract from your accounting database?  Normally, the bigger challenge in building a dashboard isn't the format so much as it is getting the level of summary from your data that is needed for dashboard datapoints.

-Tom Cobb

TC Business Solutions