Archive of Forums > Equipment FAQs > Replacing Vehicles - Criteria

Thu, 05/07/2009 - 3:52pm  
Kristin Schultes

Curious what criteria people use for determining when is the best time to replace a vehicle from your fleet?


When a repair threshold is hit?


Tue, 07/07/2009 - 6:06pm #1
Timothy Tomasic There is a whole spectrum of choices, from running the wheels off everything, to a bright and shiny company image to uphold.  Directly aligned goals with the objectives of creating a more effective organization, leveraging you business operation, and delivering customer satisfaction.  Focus on improving processes that reduce time spent on fleet activities, and deliver measurable productivity and cost savings back into the business.  Specific initiatives include vehicle standardization, reduction of underutilized assets, optimum lifecycle management (ex: to 85,000 miles), and improved planning and replacement strategies.  Hope this is useful!
Fri, 05/29/2009 - 9:43am #2
Douglas Hutchison

100,000 miles is normally our target. We try to get rid of them before maintenance costs start to eat us up. Also, resale (until recently) was much higher on vehicles below the 100K mark.

Lately, with the crappy economy, we are holding on to what we've got. We keep our fleet well-maintained, so it should not be a problem. Besides, replacements use our available cash and we all know cash right now is KING! We probably will defer any replacements at least another year or two.

Fri, 05/08/2009 - 8:48am #3
Patricia Hurst we aim for 150,000 miles.  Each circumstance is different depending on condition and repairs needed.